What is a Direct Admin panel in web hosting?
DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based, web hosting control panel, designed to make the administration of websites easier. DirectAdmin’s interface is easier to use for novices, as it is less cluttered than cPanel’s, is easy to use and can grow to meet the future needs of a growing business.
Why we prefer DirectAdmin for managing websites:
- Direct Admin is ideal for small to medium size businesses and provides all the functionality required to grow your business
- DirectAdmin is one of the simplest control panels and functions well for small to medium size businesses
- Easily integrated to control multiple websites
- Features a user-friendly admin area
- Provides acquisition of a Lifetime License, providing unlimited domain support, periodic control panel updates, and more.
- Has practically every feature you will ever need for the administration of your website on a shared website hosting platform.
In summary, we favour “Direct Admin”, as it has an easy-to-use control panel, with less-used resources easily displayed only when needed, thus limiting screen clutter, while still retaining all the functions needed to keep your website updated.
Now Technology Systems, also trading as SiteDesignNow.com, is an ideal place for your WordPress website hosting, with over 20 years’ experience in development and hosting Australian websites including WordPress, ASP, ASP.net & PHP, and many other formats.
If you want to power up your website speed and security even further, Now Technology Systems team will be happy to assist. Just give us a call.
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